retail therapy

Mum and I are going shopping later this week and here is a look into the sort of things I’ll keep an eye out for! I need some retail therapy, recently I’ve been getting more… confident with myself. I used to only wear baggy clothes with my hair down and ballet flats and stuff, and now I’ve bust out everything I loved and bought but never wore! So now that I’m gaining more of a more personal style and I’m becoming braver to show it off, I’m looking for some items to finish off my look!
Okay so recently I’ve been a bit pathetic when it comes to eating my meals, for the past couple nights I’ve not fully finished my meal, so I’ve made a promise to myself that I’m going to put more effort into it and try to ignore the ED telling me that I’m far too full to eat anymore. Because IP is not still completely off the table, I’m trying hard to get that stable weight. I weight far too easily and I’ve got to be really careful that I don’t skimp, besides, I’m enjoying myself far too much in life at the moment to let things go bad. I’m actually playing around with my younger brother again, like swinging crazily in the hammock and jumping around the couch! 
Anyhow, I’m watching Love Actually and I’m getting quiet into a creative mood,
so I shall be off.
Just thought I’d give you an update.
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
love always,
Katie xxxx


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Today I went to the beach.
It’s been so amazingly long since I’ve gone to the beach and not felt scared.
My last memory of the beach was a certain trip which I had a nutritionists appointment before, like the day before, and she gave us her personal number to call anytime because she doubted that I was going to make it through the holidays without being hospitalized. One afternoon I threw on my bikini, when I reached the beach I saw a group of five girls who were my age, and I was so close to running back to our house. ‘They’re going to look at me and think I’m so fat and pale’ I thought, but I saw my younger sister playing in the water and I’d promised her I’d come down and swim with her. So I took a deep breath and marched right past those girls.
They stopped.
They didn’t say a word.
They just stared.
My face was actually flaming, god I felt like such an idiot. Obviously I was right, I remember thinking ‘somebody call green peace because we’ve obviously got a beached whale, ergh, ME!’
I recently found a picture of that trip to the beach and it scared me.
Did I really go that far? My god, I looked like a skeleton with thin mattered hair and a painful smile. My childrens sized bathing suit barely hung onto my bones.
Then it hit me.
Those girls weren’t gasping because I was a fat girl who had the nerve to march on the beach in a bikini, it was because I was the skeleton who somehow didn’t notice that I looked painfully sick.
That picture really hit home for me. What I thought was a lumpy stomach was really my rib cage, what I thought were big hips were my hip bones.
We’re going back there soon and I can’t wait to walk onto the beach and not care who’s looking at me or judging me!
Okay, so I’m a crazy reader, I love to read.
I need recommendations of books that you girls have LOVED,
I’m up for anything,
I don’t discriminate  🙂
Love always,


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M&S (mango and strawberries)

What do you wanna hear first?
Bad news of the worst?
We’re here to entertain
So  disconnect your brain!
Hey boys and girls,
This is truth of the world,
Hey boys and girls,
You’re on truth of the world….
Ergh, did I just start with a song again? Yes, yes I did channel Evermore – You’ve probably never ever heard of them… just in case you’re crazy curious like myself, here’s the film clip
Breakfast? I think so!

Traditional Oats with a dash of soy milk with chopped up dried mango and chopped up dried strawberries 🙂 🙂 🙂
 I did enjoy it
I seriously need more idea’s….I swear I’m running out….

me and my cat annie!
she chatters away to me and keeps me company…last night I found her sleeping in my track suit draw… believe me, she’s really not that deprived, she just pretends to be.

So I hear you like my accent.
Well thats good because I actually had a world of fun making it, so I’ve decided as well as doing a post with food once weekly, I’m also going to do a video post once a week. It was so much fun and I encourage you guys to all do them because they’re actually the funnest thing to do, but then again I like talking….

Just a little something I put together… that is my handwriting – neat huh?
Okay, onto a more serious note,
I’ve escaped an IP stay because yes I got my weight up (17.5 BMI – high five) and so I don’t have to go. Before I was still at a low BMI and just pretending like I was better again, but then stupid ED came in and told me ‘you were so much thinner when you went in last! They’ll think you’re an idiot for going and laugh at you because you’re not sick’ so then I was like ‘either I can go, or get continue to gain outside’ and I chose outside, so in a sense maybe ED won? But then it lost too because I moved up and gained some more weight, so it’s all good.
I’ve been told by all my health professionals that I can’t sit at 17.5 because my weight is still under the way under the 50% isle for girls my age and since I’m in the 90% isle for my height – they want to get my weight up to the 50% at least.
Damn! I hate being tall! Silly Silly!
Seriously, sucks! You can’t wear heels in everyday life coz you tower above everybody else, I do have a pair that I wear often…. and compared to about every other girl you’re hugely tall!
Plus my PE teacher said I was unfit because I couldn’t touch my toes, but then we did a measurement of my body lengths and turns out my legs are way out of proportion that the rest of my body and are like…twice as long as everything else.
I have long everything. Long Legs, long hair, long eyelashes, long toes – unusually long fingers.
The first thing my music teacher said to me was ‘Jesu-jeeze you’ve got long fingers.
Here’s a little photo I took recently.

I’m so weird….
Love always of course


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Post with a video – finally!

Hey there precious people,
if any of you have sat around wondering what my voice sounds like, then here is your chance to hear something very exciting! My voice!
Now, you see, Mama and I went to the shopping centre and I found this awesome water bottle and I was super excited – and I knew you guys would be happy to sit through my excitement over a pink drink bottle! SO I believed that it was so good I had to show you and explain to you, the magic of this water bottle…
This video is brought to you by ‘Katie is easily excited pictures’ and produced by yours truly….

Deep breaths – yes! It WAS worth those 45 seconds haha, I hoped you could understand me – we aussies don’t pronounce our R’s (e.g. Wa-tah)
On with the post,
I received a beautiful award from Miss Eliza a yesterday, the Kreativ Blogger award.
Thank you Eliza
love you!
And seven facts about me?
Wow you guys are spoilt! First a video about my drink bottle and now facts and me? Christmas has come early!
1. When I was four I used to sit out in our backyard with scissors, snipping the leaves, pretending to be a hair dresser, chatting away to my clients – asking them how their day had been and talking about mine!
2. I’ve never dyed my hair before
3. I used to play the piano and the flute
4. I’m dyslexic and therefore can’t do some of the most simple maths – amazingly (and slightly frighteningly) the only maths I can do is adding calories and dividing a kilojoule into a calorie…
5. I’m fantastic at remembering faces and names. I’ve had people come up to me and say ‘you probably don’t remember me but…’ and my friends would be like ‘oh, she remembers you’. I never forget a name or a face. My IP sister was on the same plane as me to Paris, at the same restaurant as me a couple months later and we were in IP at the same time, and I recognized her right away. Normally I don’t say anything because it freaks people out.
6. I must be the only person in the world who doesn’t like watermelon or pizza.
7. I need to drink diet coke to survive.
love always!
Next post is my Haylee inspired post, Oh I have some big big plans!
love always.


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ranting? no, just…informing

Phew! What a week! Okay, so stuff has happened, good and bad, but first, I would like to welcome Lucy to the blogging world! We went to the same IP as each other and I’d left before she came but we had group together! pleaaaase check out her blog!
The good? Been sick, but I have had a chance to catch some couple good hours of TV hehe hehe. I saw the Mermaid Chair (telemovie) hmm undecided, me and Mum ended up glued to it…good sign? Maybe it was a good movie?
Okay, I watched this show (upon recommendation by a friend who’d seen the first episode and told all her mates to watch it) called Bogan Pride… (clearing it up for the non aussies out there – a bogan is like a redneck) okay, first episode wasn’t amaaaaaazing, but I wondered if maybe it got better, so I watched another episode, something about a dance off or something, and I was shocked.
The popular girls, who also proudly referred to themselves as the ‘skanks’ were hanging out in the school yard making themselves throw up, and as a joke if someone would talk to them they’d say ‘wait’ and then quickly throw up and continue the conversation. I was shocked at that! But then when one of the main characters ended up in hospital because of some allergy or something – the three ‘skanks’ came wondering by, with hospital gowns and drips and the announced that they were ‘admitting themselves for their bulimia, and they were off to the anorexics ward to learn some tips’
now these girls were obviously actors, but I found myself getting a tad offended.
I was in the anorexics ward 😦
anyway, this week has been a bit of a rollercoaster.
My doctor doesn’t seem to think that I can sit at a BMI of 17.5, but I feel really comfortable here and really want to, Mum and Dad are being super supportive and letting me exercise and keep my normal diet so that it’s a weight maintenance diet.
I think it’s a MASSIVE achievement for me to reach a BMI of 17.5 coz I’ve been soooo much lower! But, we’ll see.
I’m maintaining this week to show him that I can cope quiet happily!
anyway, that is my quick post.
A little nervous about tomorrow, going out to lunch with some family who haven’t seen me since pre hospital, eeeeek.
I keep telling myself ‘you shouldn’t care katie, don’t care’
and I’ve calmed myself down.
I’ve been beeegging for a dog to promote ‘healthy exercise’ but Dad won’t seem to budge
I want this dog in particular,
So, I call upon you guys, vote one for my tiny puppy…
leaving you with some sweet pictures I found, yes I am!

Love you all,
thank you for sitting through this slightly…odd post haha


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because she went crazy with the camera last night…

Good Day and Night, I toss and turn, I keep stressin’ in my mind, mind….
heh heh… indeed I did just break out a few Kid Cudi lyrics.
I apologize, it won’t happen again, just be thankful I didn’t crack out some David Guetta and begin with ‘damn you’s a sexy bitch, a sexy bitch’
(just so you know, I don’t have some strange obsession with akon or Kid Cudi, I just learn lyrics quick. Play me a song once and I’ll sing it back perfect…lyrics wise I mean, the singing will be some of the worst you’ve ever experienced) moving along….

Okay, well if you’re not jealous of my singing yet, look at this. A little magazine I picked up documented some of the stars wardrobes, I’m not sure how many of you have read any of this, I believe it was in a trashy magazine who’s name, for the sake of my reputation, will remain anonymous.

Any way, here are some lovely facts that make you realize that celebrities may just have some of the greatest perks I’ve ever heard of.
At the moment, I’m green, the deep green with envy.
I salute these women for using their money wisely, and if I had that money, I would do just the same…

Just a little snippet of me….

My new shirt! It’s a bit big on me, but I like baggy clothes and I LOVE the design on this. hehe
I’m glad it’s not body fitting because I’m not comfortable enough to wear body fitting clothes.
A quick note! I will be doing a food post (a la haylee) once a week on random days!
also, a quick shout out to my Mum, who went shopping yesterday and secured all the foods I feel safe with without forgetting a thing.
She’s truly amazing!
Oh, and GET WELL SOON, to my Dad, who is quiet sick at the moment with the flu.
Love you all


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Haylee Inspired Post

Hello Hello Hello!
I’ve done it! I’ve got pictures of some (obviously not all) of my daily eats!
Lets start at the start of the day shall we?
Okay, this was taken at 6:00 in the morning in Australia – because I always wake up early for some reason unknown to me!
1/2 a cup of oats with almond slivers, vanilla, flax seeds and mashed up banananananana.
Opinion? Nothing too special, I think I’ve been over using banana a LOT recently and might have to take some time out from them for just a little while, they shall return promptly!
Next, AM snack!
A nice and natural trail mix bar.
This was so good! It has fruit, nuts and seeds with a tiiiiny bit of yoghurt.
I quiet enjoyed it.
yes I did.
Tofu and cucumber and fake crab stuff that tastes good, cucumber and avocado
This was soooo nice! Not the best I’ve ever had, but it was good all the same! I nibbled my way through the sushi out on our hammock enjoying the sun! Heaven. It was so good!
Soooo much better when I was living off cucumber on dry crackers, oh and then there was the ensure phase….
PM snack you say?
A little fashion? Oh and of course, unsalted raw cashews, sultanas, dried pineapple and dried paw paw.
mmmmm mmm! It was oh so good!
I also, sigh I know, had my daily diet coke. I promise one day they will be faded out… maybe 🙂
I hope you liked my pictures hehe
I had to assure myself that what I was eating was fine for me and I shouldn’t worry about what people might think.
Yes, the snacks look a little small, but they’re a good amount of calories. Because I’m probably one of the most notorious refeeders on the planet, sometimes I have to eat small so that I still get X number of cals in a day, but don’t get triggered by all this stupid refeeding stuff!
Today it’s been beautiful weather, just amazing. So I’ve been spending HEAPS of time in our hammock reading, playing with my cat or listening to my iPod.
I also went rollerblading, but I failed horribly. I’ve been doing it since I was seven, and I’m fairly pro but I went to wave to my dad and face planted it onto our cement driveway, needless to say, I’m staying safe for the rest of the day.
Love you all and I hope you liked this post,
and if not, I hope I didn’t waste too much of your time 🙂


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dreams and dislikes

Hello my pretties! Lets start on some good news, my camera has been revived! So this Saturday I shall be doing a food post! Because if I whip out a camera at lunch at school my friends may look at me slightly strangely… which isn’t exactly out of the ordinary but oh well, Saturday works~
A little update on how I’m going, my weight goes up, then down, then up, then down. It’s when my weight goes up that I think I relax on the calorie counting because I think I’m doing well and know what I have to do, but I also feel happier when my weight is up, so I’m far more active and social so I burn more calories – so usually then I loose weight. When I loose weight the ED comes right back and attacks and I have to work really hard to make the calories and loose that bad mind set. Recently it’s been one week up, one week down. Usually I only go down like, trying to put this in american terms (coz we use the metric system), just over two pounds? and then it goes up just under a pound and so on, but I’m working hard. And from my food post you’ll see that I’m continuing to keep my weight stable and moving 🙂 and since I’m still underweight this is really important!
Now for some of my dreams and dislikes!
lets start with dreams shall we?

When I leave school – so I’ll be eighteen – I plan on traveling back to Paris, then to Milan, followed by New York! I’ve wanted to go to these places since I was young (I’ve always wanted to live in either of them) So I’m thinking I’m going to spend maybe three months traveling? I think I might go alone, I’m not sure yet, I’ve got some friends who are up for the travel – like my friend Nicole, who is a New Yorker herself and plans on going back for college!
That is my dream so far. I want to be really healthy and well minded for that, and it’s something I dream about coz I love to move around and see new things! Australia is so far away it’s such a trip, which makes it all that more exciting! When I was in Paris, I used to lie in bed and just be amazed how far away I was from home, I loved Paris and didn’t want to go home!
Mum and Dad are really supportive of me traveling and think it’s a good idea because they’ve travelled a lot, so thats a good start!
Milan, Paris and New York! Here I come!

Okay I’m not judging her as a person. This is purely fashion related! Pictured above is what she wore landing into Australia.
I also saw what she wore the VMA’s, she’s really pushing the limits with me…

Quiet possibly the biggest jerk in Australia?
For those of you who are in the States (a vast majority) this man has a radio station – the ‘kyle and jackie o show’ and I won’t go into the long story, but over all when a Mum and a daughter went on their show to win concert tickets, the daughter was hooked up to a lie detector machine and the mum could ask any question she wanted, so she asked her 13 year old daughter ( I think she’s thirteen, somewhere around that age, not even 15) if she’d had had sex, the daughter said ‘Mum, we’ve already talked about this… Don’t sit there and smile because this isn’t a joke!’ after a pause she then shouted ‘okay yeah, I was raped when I was 12’ and Kyle says ‘oh… okay… so is that your only experience?’
Turns out the Mum knew and asked the question – on live radio anyway – and Kyle continued the segment – asking for more details about the girls sex life.
Love you all!
Saturday is the DAY!
I’ve got my camera at the ready!


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update on the food front…

I hang my head in shame to tell you that yesterday morning I went to grab my camera – and it wasn’t working. I couldn’t delay breakfast so I’ve put it on the charger and I’m hoping I’ll be able to deliver you a post soon!
I hate technology! Pfffshhh!
anyway. I couldn’t just leave you with bad news could I?
here you go 🙂
no one saves us but ourselves. no one can and no one may. we ourselves must walk the path’
 – Buddha.
I really liked this quote.

This is kind of how I see my friendship with my best friend. She’s crazy, shy, beautiful, talented, nice and hilarious and I adore her.
Love you Mimi

I just loved this.
I found both these pictures stalking flickr
such an amazing site.
I must depart,
hopefully to find my camera has revived itself? hehe


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Australia’s next top model? Probably…. :D

(here is a cheeky katie – I would post more photos taken during this photobooth session…but…err…I’ll give you 
a sample at the other faces I made *hides shamefully*)
Isn’t she pretty?
I think so,
Australia’s next top model?
with that pout?
She’ll be a shoo in!

A little something I have packed in my school bag for snack,
pistachio larabar!
reminds me of the blogging worlds very own pistachio

What am I reading at the moment?
Well, this book is SOOOO GOOD!
go out and buy it and you won’t regret it,
it’s written in short snippets coz the girl who wrote it knows that it’s hard for anorexics to stay still and read for a long amount of time!
I’m healthy, once again.
That cold couldn’t keep me down for long!
just….a week,
but now I’m back,
and next post (as in tomorrows post – yes, TOMORROW’s post)
is a Haylee inspired post with everything I generally munch on during the day,
Love you all


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